roQQ boTTom sports

Has our hero hit rock bottom? He is hoping that his online sportsbook/poker accounts have hit bottom, but you can always go lower....They say that you have to hit rock bottom before you get help for an addiction, but if the addiction is profitable...

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Location: Cuba

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year....depending on where you are, that is. I'm still in Korea. Not that that means I'm not happy (though it just might...), but I am still 14 hours ahead of the east coast. Right now it's 11:00 a.m. here, so it's still 9:00 p.m. there. And there it's still 2006, for whatever it's worth. During daylight savings time I'm in a different day than the East Coast 57% of the time. The Mountain time zone is in a different day than me 2/3 of the time--during daylight savings. In the summer, the West Coast is in a diffrent day than me that same 2/3 of the time. I mention those time zones because the math is easier. If you can't figure this stuff out you just might want to Are you away? Good. The reason you creep off like that is so your friends don't notice and call you back, so they can win more of your money.

Not that I want you to leave--I'm trying to make a living here!

All 3 of you paying attention may have noticed that I haven't posted anything recently. Well, I haven't bet on sports much recently either. Football hasn't treated me well this year, and once congress started trying to ban internet gambling I barely had enough $$ on the internet that I coud reach to play poker. Since my sports betting $$ and my poker $$ were both in my bodog account, every weekend that I bet on football had the potential to cripple my poker bankroll.

If you could even call it that.

More like lunch money.

About 3 weeks ago I managed to get enough $$ onto FullTilt to max out my bonus. (Right--$600, of course. Currently I've played enough to acquire $480 of my bonus. Just before Christmas I was over $2500. In the past week I skidded down below $1800, which, given that I probably got $200 of my bonus or so in that time frame, is quite a skid. New Years Eve I won my way back towards $2100.

Now, it's pretty easy to piss away your roll on no-limit. Once you're down, you start trying to catch back up calling other people's all-in bets, or going allin yourself because you know that if you check your out-flopped kings the other guy will put you all-in anyway....

Ugh. I think just writing about it lowered my morale. That's no good, especially since I'm playing right now too.

Anyway, while swings are definitely part of the game, I suspect that drinking has been contributing to my downswing. Not playing while drinking, or drinking while playing, put playing while hung over. Some of my drinking has been holiday related, but twice I've played poker live, both times with alot of drinking.

Handicapping the SEC is hard, hard enough so that usually I don't try to do it. A weekend of SEC games can leave you feeling lost and confused, kind of like waking up in a hotel room with a screaming headache, two Vietnamese hookers, and a pile of white powder on the end table, and wondering how you got there. Sort of.

Last year I bet on Auburn a few times, and they usually came through for me, but about halfway through the season their kicker started missing more or less every field goal he attempted, along with a couple of extra points. At that point I couldn't trust them to come through in a tight game, or to cover a narrow spread, so I stopped betting on them. Too many SEC games are too close to call.

Last year Auburn was a good bet, because they were better than people thought. This year everyone saw them coming, and they have done horribly against the spread, despite going 10-2 or so.

That having been said, I took Auburn(-2.5)overNebraska. Basically it's a bet on the SEC over the Big Twelve.

I'm taking Michigan(-2.5)overUSC. This game opened as a pick, and on bet365 I could get Michigan(-1.5), if not fot those cocksuckers in congress. If Michigan decides to show up they should have the Trojans outmanned. Hopefully they won't require the untimely death of one of their ex-coaches to motivate them.

I'm waiting for the over/under to come out for Ohio State-Florida game. I intend to tease Ohio State and the over, which should make it about OSU(-1.5)over40. If I could bet on bet365 I could do it now. Cocksuckers.

I might do the same thing for LSU-Notre Dame. I'm not crazy about giving 10 points, and my faith in LSU is shaky. That having been said, LSU should handle the Irish if they are as good as everyone says they are. Sort of like Ohio State did last year. Or Michigan this year. Or USC did this year....I'd feel better about LSU if they had a running game.

I wonder if Brady Quinn has considered tanking this one to try to drop down in the draft. I'm not talking about down to 2 so the Lions can get him (though their unexpected victory against Dallas is what made me think of it), I'm talking about the Chiefs or Panthers, or maybe the 'Skins or Buc's. Lets face it, there aren't any other teams as successful as Denver with as bad a quarterback, but you've gotta admit the future looks brighter for Jay Cutler right now than it does for a bunch of number one picks. Oh yeah, the Bears. How could I forget the Bears? Rex Grossman hasn't worn out his welcome the way Jake the Snake did, however....