roQQ boTTom sports

Has our hero hit rock bottom? He is hoping that his online sportsbook/poker accounts have hit bottom, but you can always go lower....They say that you have to hit rock bottom before you get help for an addiction, but if the addiction is profitable...

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Monday, August 03, 2009

Kim, Jessica Axed/Belichek for President?

Here are a couple of things I've posted to other sites, namely and Not sure if anyone will be able to link to here or anything...I'm so clueless about this link stuff....

The new athlete-celebrity breakup template:

Dump her right before preseason (Reggie Bush vs Kim Kardashian) Gets your mind right for practice...she won't be there to nag you after you bang groupies on road trips during the season....

Dump her a couple of weeks before preseason (Tony Romo vs Jessica Simpson) You're a quarterback, with a thick playbook to internalize, so you need more time...probably should have done it back in June, or back in '07 for that matter.

(Matt Leinert vs whoever) You're riding the pine, so continue to live it up. You may want to amp it up a bit, since I don't even know who you're seeing these days....nah, keep playing the field. If you get a chance, go work out with Tom

Kim not first to get stiff-armed
Brady again...oh, wait, he doesn't have as much time on his hands as you do....

Speaking of Tom Brady--if this season doesn't go well for the Pats, Mrs. Brady may want to keep her head down, on the off chance Tom still wants to stake his claim to be the best quarterback ever....Beware the Ides of July, Giselle.

I need to stop watching The Tudors.

Speaking of meglomaniacs with a taste for blood, did anybody see what Bill Belichek said when asked whether the Pats were interested in picking up Michael Vick? (I love Belichek, by the should see the things I say about Matt Millen.)

Bill was so vague that I couldn't decide if the Pats

a.) wouldn't touch him with a 10 ft. pole, but aren't about to talk smack since whoever eventually picks him up will look bad enough already, and the press will decend on them like a murder of crows--

b.) are waiting for the price to drop on Vick to where they can buy him for a song (say $2 million/year or so) sincce he will only come in to run the Wildcat anyway--

c.) is jabbering incoherently while trying to remember which soulless un

Meglomaniac with a taste for blood...
derling he sent to
destroy the videotape from his own underground dog breeding operation, and calculating who will need to be eliminated to cement the coverup--

Just kidding about the third one--Bill never jabbers incoherently, which is a huge step up from say, Joe Biden. The best NFL coaches are alot like politicians though, only smarter and more disciplined.

"Beelzebub takes a dive in the second, you fool!"

I know Reggie just dumped Kim right before the NFL gets going, but I'm wondering if he planned this out last season when he was injured. Because that would be up there with wasting Barzini and Carlo. Just when I thought he was some lovesick chump, he whips out the Michael Corleone ruthlessness. Good luck this season, Reggie.


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