roQQ boTTom sports

Has our hero hit rock bottom? He is hoping that his online sportsbook/poker accounts have hit bottom, but you can always go lower....They say that you have to hit rock bottom before you get help for an addiction, but if the addiction is profitable...

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Location: Cuba

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Let the Wookie win!

Don't expect much poker from me today. I just discovered that they're showing that last Star Wars movie again tonight, and I'm going, damnit! Now that I'm taking fashion tips from Anakin Skywalker, I figure I ought to take advantage of this. Its either that or sit in my basement listening to "The Rooster" by Alice in Chains over and over again while my brace of half-starved Rottweillers gnash their teeth and suck down a deadly mix of ruby port and Robotussin. You've probably heard that dogs like beer. Well they absolutely LOVE wine, and from what I've seen they don't particularly object to the hard stuff either. Hey, if port was good enough for Hemmingway, its good enough for them, though I'm not sure if Papa drank it because he was in Spain, or because it was cheap. Probably both--when I was in Spain wine was about 1/4 of the price of beer....

Listen to Alice in Chains, quietly plotting my triumphant return, or catch Star Wars. Hell, I can plot any night. Sure that movie sucked, but what the hell.

Anakin Skywalker may have been on his way to becoming the most powerful Jedi ever, but he would've made a crap poker player. He couldn't read people for anything, and if he went on tilt, look out! Of course he could always cut the table in two with his lightsabre...I guess he'd get high marks for intimidation. As long as you made it a policy to "let the Wookie win," I suppose you'd let him win too. You would, but Phil Ivey wouldn't....I'm no Phil Ivey, but I know what I like. Hallucinating, half crazed beasts who slobber on my hand and obey my every command. I like it, and so does my good buddy Phil Hellmuth. I've never heard him say an unkind word to his dogs, and neither has anybody else. Of course, I'm not talking about his dogs, I'm talking about the media! No, no, I'm just kidding--after all, I wouldn't want them to hang me by my toenails and flog me and make me listen to Britteny Spears' Greatest Hits, would I? Hmmm...well, on that note, I must be going. Somebody's bowl is empty...


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